The staff at Stones River National Battlefield plans to burn about 75 acres of fields and forested areas on Wednesday, January 31, 2018.

These prescribed burns are a part of the park’s Fire Management Plan, which was developed with public and professional participation in 2003. The areas to be burned are located in the park’s McFadden Farm unit.

The goals of the burns are to promote the growth of native species. Fire will also recycle nutrients into the soil and help control invasive plants. The burns will be conducted only if weather conditions fall within a narrow range that provides for the greatest safety and best smoke management. Specially trained wildland firefighters from the Natchez Trace Parkway and Stones River National Battlefield will manage the prescribed burns.

The McFadden Farm unit may be closed during times needed to complete the burns. The visitor center and tour road will remain open during regular hours of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.