City offices and facilities closing in observance of MLK Jr. Day

City offices and facilities closing in observance of MLK Jr. Day

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, all City of Murfreesboro offices, most recreational facilities, and senior services at Patterson Park Community Center will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, 2018. Rover, the City’s public transportation service, will not run on the federal holiday. There will be no garbage pick-up on Monday, Jan.15, 2018….

City/County Fire Agencies Offer Holiday Safety Tips

City/County Fire Agencies Offer Holiday Safety Tips

Thanksgiving festivities are going on this week and the Christmas season is right around the corner… Murfreesboro Fire Rescue, Rutherford County Fire-Rescue, and the La Vergne and Smyrna Fire Departments are offering advice on how to keep your holiday safe and free from fire! Thanksgiving is the leading day of the year for fires in…

The Salvation Army of Rutherford County Officer Maj. Joe Irvin Deployed to Texas

The Salvation Army of Rutherford County Officer Maj. Joe Irvin Deployed to Texas

The Salvation Army of Rutherford and Cannon Counties’ Major Joe Irvin has been deployed to Texas to provide disaster services for two weeks. “I am honored to be representing the volunteer state during this unprecedented disaster,” said Major Joe Irvin, commanding officer for The Salvation Army of Rutherford and Cannon Counties. Major Irvin is joining…

Murfreesboro ‘2040 Major Transportation Plan’ released

Murfreesboro ‘2040 Major Transportation Plan’ released

The City of Murfreesboro today announced the release of the draft 2040 Major Transportation Plan, an updated long-range plan that will guide city traffic planning and transportation projects for the next 25 years. “The draft 2040 Major Transportation Plan outlines existing deficiencies and projects future transportation network needs based on a regional modeling process and computer-based projections without cost constraints,” said…

City names Russell A. Brashear as Assistant Transportation Director

City names Russell A. Brashear as Assistant Transportation Director

Russell A. Brashear has been named assistant transportation director by Director Jim Kerr. Brashear’s major responsibility will include operation of the City’s Rover public transit system with 23,500 riders per month. He began his duties March 20. Brashear has over 25 years of transportation management experience in strategic planning, training and community transportation in Orlando,…

Construction of Jones Blvd. Improvement Project to Begin in 2017

Construction of Jones Blvd. Improvement Project to Begin in 2017

Jones Boulevard, a narrow 2-lane roadway that stretches in the center of neighborhoods between Broad Street and Memorial Blvd, will be undergoing a major improvement beginning in late 2017. The 1.5-mile street currently has no shoulder or sidewalks. The widening project from Ridgely Road to Northfield Boulevard will add a 10-foot multi-use path, a 5-foot sidewalk,…

Search for solid waste solutions featured in ‘Murfreesboro Storytellers’

Search for solid waste solutions featured in ‘Murfreesboro Storytellers’

Middle Point landfill is expected to reach capacity in no more than 8 years. At that time, taxpayers will lose free use of the landfill – worth at least $4 million annually – and the county will lose about $900,000 a year paid by other counties that use Middle Point. The Rutherford County Solid Waste…