Wings and Rings for Special Olympics

Wings and Rings for Special Olympics at Toot’s

Sheriff’s school resource officers will ask Toot’s diners to support 43 Special Olympians representing Rutherford County at the Special Olympics Tennessee games. SROs will collect donations during the Wings & Rings fund-raiser from 5 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 23 at Toot’s at 860 Northwest Broad Street in Murfreesboro. Coordinator Lou Paschall said donations will…

Wings and Rings

Wings and Rings fundraiser Tuesday for Special Olympics

“Good food and fun” is on the menu for the Wings & Rings benefit for Special Olympians participating in the annual fall bowling tournament in October. School Resource Officers will collect donations from diners from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 25 at Toot’s in Smyrna, said Special Olympics chair Lou Paschall. The funds…