In The City May 2019

Promoting greater walkability throughout Murfreesboro is the emphasis of the City’s ‘Sidewalk Program.’ The May edition of ‘In the City’ features a recently completed bridge that connects walkers and bikers from a West Murfreesboro neighborhood to Overall Creek Elementary.

Neighborhood walkability and much more to see this month, including Hummingbirds, Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity and the Murfreesboro City Schools ‘Boro Book Battle.’ Plus, Talkin’ Turf with Agriculture Extension Agent Mitchell Mote. Watch host Michael Linn White and “In the City” on CityTV or anytime on YouTube and Facebook.

The May edition of “In the City” features the following news stories:

The May 2019 episode is airing on CityTV throughout the month or anytime on YouTube and Facebook. The monthly magazine show airs every day at 8:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m., and 10:30 p.m. on Channel 3 and 1094 on Comcast Xfinity Channels 3 and 1094, Channel 99 on AT&T Uverse, Roku, Apple TV via Cablecast Screenweave app, and YouTube.‘In the City,’ is produced monthly by CityTV’s Steve Burris in the studios located at City Hall.

For all the latest City news, visit or watch the most recent newsbreaks and past episodes of “In the City” on our YouTube channel or