City of Murfreesboro, TN

City’s annual Fall Leaf Collection set to get underway

You can start making plans for the third weekend in October that includes raking leaves and sprucing up the yard ahead of winter. Fall Leaf Collection season kicks off Monday, Oct. 15, 2018. The Murfreesboro Streets and Solid Waste departments will team-up for the sixth consecutive year with a combined system to improve service and…

Road Construction

City Construction Projects for October 7 through October 13

Middle Tennessee Widening Project (Greenland Dr to E. Main St) (Est Substantial Completion November 2018) Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday: Traffic on Middle Tennessee Blvd is reduced to two-lanes two-way between Bell St and Greenland Dr. E Lytle St is closed at Middle Tennessee Blvd. The section of E Lytle St between N Bilbro…

Patterson Park Community Center Pool

Council approves Enfinity Engineering Agreement for Patterson Park Community Center Natatorium HVAC System

The Murfreesboro City Council voted Thursday (Sept. 27) to approve an engineering services agreement with Brentwood-based Enfinity Engineering, LLC for upgrades to the Natatorium HVAC system at Patterson Park Community Center. Construction is expected to begin this fall on a re-engineered dehumidification unit and air distribution system with engineering services at a cost of $42,500….

Murfreesboro Loves

Murfreesboro Loves Anniversary on the Downtown Square

Murfreesboro Loves announces a free event and picnic happening on the Murfreesboro Square October 28, 2018 on the one year anniversary of an event which brought our community together. Preceding the event on the 28th, there will be a day of service in the community. The activities and details will be announced through the Murfreesboro…

Child Safety Seat

National Child Passenger Safety Week

This week is National Child Passenger Safety Week. Child Passenger Safety Week is sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). NHSTA’s main goals during this week are to make sure children are in the correct car seats, the seats are properly installed for use, and are registered with their manufacturers to ensure receipt…

City of Murfreesboro, TN

Joint EMS Task Force agrees on plan to enhance service countywide

A joint task force on Emergency Medical Services appointed by County Mayor Bill Ketron and Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland has committed to work together to enhance communications for coordinated emergency response in Rutherford County. The verbal agreement comes after members of the task force appointed to review and recommend best practices met Tuesday (Sept. 18)…

City of Murfreesboro, TN

African Drum and Dance Day at Patterson Park

Nananom African Heritage, Inc. will be bringing “African Drum and Dance Day” to Patterson Park Community Center Saturday, September 29, 2018. From 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., participants of all ages are encouraged to participate in this free event. Artists will be teaching drumming and dancing from several African countries, including Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Ghana,…

City of Murfreesboro, TN

MFRD Awarded 2.8 Million in Grant Funds to Hire Additional Personnel

Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department (MFRD) Chief Mark Foulks received a call from Senator Lamar Alexander’s office Thursday with great news… the department has been awarded a “Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response (SAFER)” Federal grant in excess of 2.8 million dollars. The grant will assist MFRD with hiring a total of 27 firefighters and…